Detailed Program

The Jardins du Précambrien educational program is:

· A way of introducing young people to contemporary, site-specific art, Québec poetry, culture and the nature all around them
· A unique experience of discovering artworks, collective creations, poetry and contemporary music
· Suited to all grade levels (primary, secondary, college, university) and day camps
· Three-plus kilometres of trails, new reception and activity facilities, a covered terrace and an outdoor picnic area
Visual arts program
· A guided tour of the Symposium (a special tour of artworks in the forest)
· An art workshop (choice of drawing or ceramics)

Poetry program

· A guided tour of the Sentier de la Poésie (Poetry Trail) to discover Québec poets

· A collective art workshop – L’Arbre de la mémoire de la langue française (Tree of Memory project) (ceramics)


$8 per participant (free for accompanying adults)


About 2 hours